Immigration Canada Targets: IRCC Public Consultations Open!

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has opened public consultations to help shape immigration Canada plan for the next three years (2025-2027). This plan will set targets for both new permanent residents and, for the first time ever, temporary residents coming to Canada.

What is the Immigration Levels Plan?

The Immigration Canada Levels Plan is a multi-year plan that outlines the number of new permanent residents Canada aims to welcome each year. It considers various factors such as economic needs, government priorities, and the ability to integrate newcomers successfully.

What’s New This Year?

This year, IRCC Canada is expanding the scope of the plan to include targets for temporary residents as well. This includes international students and temporary workers.

What are they looking for in your feedback?

IRCC is seeking feedback from Canadians, stakeholders, and immigration experts on several key areas:

  • Setting Goals for 2027: Your input will help determine the overall immigration targets for 2027.
  • Reviewing Existing Targets: Should the permanent resident targets for 2025 and 2026 be adjusted?
  • Immigration Categories: How should permanent resident numbers be allocated between economic programs (like Express Entry and Provincial Nominee Programs), family sponsorship, and refugees/humanitarian programs?
  • Temporary Resident Targets: What are your thoughts on setting targets for temporary residents for the first time?

How to Participate

The public consultations are open until June 30, 2024. You can share your views by visiting the IRCC website.

Current Immigration Targets

Canada currently aims to welcome 485,000 new permanent residents in 2024, with the target increasing to 500,000 per year starting in 2025. These numbers include both those immigrating directly from outside Canada and those already in Canada transitioning from temporary to permanent residency.

The Importance of Immigration

Immigration plays a vital role in Canada’s economy and social fabric. Newcomers contribute to job growth, innovation, and the overall diversity of Canadian communities.

Looking Ahead

By participating in these consultations, you can help shape Canada’s immigration future and ensure a well-managed and sustainable approach to welcoming newcomers

Key Points

  • Canada is seeking public input on its Canada immigration plan for the next three years (2025-2027). This is the first time the plan will include targets for temporary residents (students, workers).
  • The Immigration Levels Plan sets targets for new permanent residents based on economic needs, government priorities, and integration capacity.
  • Public consultations are open until June 30, 2024. You can weigh in on overall immigration targets, existing permanent resident targets for 2025-2026, immigration program allocation, and temporary resident targets.
  • Canada’s current immigration target is 485,000 new permanent residents in 2024, rising to 500,000 per year starting in 2025.
  • Immigration is seen as vital to Canada’s economy and social fabric, with newcomers contributing to job growth, innovation, and diversity.